Fat Loss Factor

Fat Loss Factor
Fat Loss Factor

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Truth Behind Fat Loss Factor Program By Dr. Charles Livingston

If you have ever considered losing weight, either for your personal self image or even for health issues, you have probably heard of this program. Most individuals in their search for the perfect diet or other program for getting skinny do a lot of research on the best working strategy.

They have often tried a multitude of different guides and plans, and found that the idea of sticking to a strict one just doesn’t work. This is the moment when FLF comes into play!

What Is In The Package???

Obviously, this is a guide that allows for a regimen that is easy to follow, and because it does not deprive you of the things that you love, it is easier to stay with it and get rid of pounds that you do not want.

What is more, it helps to reduce stress, maximize the fat burning effects by foods that you eat, and contributes to muscle growth and increase of your metabolism. It is a highly effective, 12 week life changing program which works!

More precisely, it includes:

    The main eBook,
    A Master Cleanse video,
    Workout plans and logs,
    Goal setting guides,
    Even a recipe book and
    Grocery shopping list among other things.

In other words, it has everything that is needed to successfully complete it to the end.
Author of The System

Dr. Charles Livingston
Author and creator of this powerful way to get slim is Dr. Charles Livingston. He is a certified wellness practitioner, chiropractic physician, and certified nutritionist.

Will You Get Slim With FLF?
Well, this one is a complete 12 week system for weight reduction. More precisely, it is divided into 2 main phases:

  •     Cleansing: The first 2 weeks are a detox phase. This is used to remove harmful toxins and poisons from your body. During this phase, pure and natural organic fruits and vegetables make up the suggested diet, improving the function of your main organs, including kidneys and liver.

  •     Meal-Plan: The food plan for the remaining ten weeks is based as much on how you eat as it is with what you eat. In order to maximize your metabolism capabilities, small meals are recommended for several times a day, rather than the usual 3 meals a day. What is more, course provides a list of foods that should be included in the daily menu for speeding up your dietary efforts, as well as those that should be avoided. It even gives you the best times of day to plan meals for to boost your metabolism.

Why Is It So Effective?
System works not because it is a “miracle plan”, but rather because it incorporates all of the needed lifestyle changes to remain with it. Diet, exercise, and mental strength all together play a crucial part in process of achieving your desired body. Trying to use just one of these aspect is almost always doomed to failure.

Meal-plans which reduce calorie intake or make you count fat grams or carbs can make you feel starved, slow down your metabolism, and make you feel tired. They also raise your stress levels, and in a short period most people will not be able to sustain such diet.

On this one, the suggested food changes not only help in getting rid of your excessive pounds, but also make you feel great. Your body will react to this by providing you with a lot more energy and will keep you mentally alert.
Reactions Of Others On This Program?

One of the best ways to judge any new guide is by finding out what others who have used it have to say. Surprisingly, there are over 3850 comments and testimonials to the validity of its usefulness, significant majority of these praising the results of its use.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

About Fat Loss Factor

About Fat Loss Factor

In order to lose weight, it is important to eat healthy and exercise routinely. Dieticians, fitness trainers and doctors all have different recommendations on what to eat and how much to exercise. Since, each person’s body is different, what may work for one person, may not work for another.

Fat Loss Factor, by Dr. Charles Livingston, is a comprehensive detailed plan that focuses on the core principles of nutrition and exercise without taking diet pills. The recurring theme throughout the program relates to toxins in your body and its effect on your metabolism. It suggests that food additives are toxins that are harmful to your liver and causes your metabolism to slow down which leads to weight gain.

The Fat Loss Factor program includes an e-book, a master cleanse video, a monitoring and tracking exercise log book, a workout guide book, a few short exercise videos, a set and monitor goals book and a recipe and grocery list book. It costs $47.00 for all of the materials and there is a 60 day risk free guarantee. It is only available in digital download.

The first two weeks are considered a detox period that is supposed to rid the body of toxins. During these two weeks, you will eat organic and natural raw foods such as nuts, vegetables, fruit and beans.

After the cleansing phase is complete, the next ten weeks revolve around working out, eating healthy, and drinking a lot of water. The program is 12 weeks long and can be restarted on completion of the 12 week cycle.

Although they say you will lose a lot of weight within the first 7 days, this is commonly referred to as water weight. Noticeable fat loss will start to be apparent between the second and fourth week of the diet.

Even though the program is easy, the overwhelming amount of information contained in the package was a common complaint among customers. Trying to understanding the fundamentals of healthy eating and learning how to exercise at the same can be a lot to take in.

Since this is a natural diet program, it is pertinent to learn about how it works because you do not have diet pills to rely on. There are many free articles on the FatLossFactor.com website for any additional information or questions you may have.

Many reviews have depicted this diet as a true weight loss plan. This plan is different than many others because it requires time and dedication to learn the information, implement its components and integrate the full regimen into your life. Taking this program one step at a time is going to be most beneficial in the long run.

If you find a diet plan you like, it will be easy to stick with. Losing weight immediately should not be expected, many weight loss plans fail because they are not given time to work. Weight loss is possible if you make the effort to change your eating habits and commit yourself to a regular exercise routine. Not only will you feel better and look better but you will be healthier as well.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

How the Fat Loss Factor Diet Works

 Fat Loss Factor

The Fat Loss Factor Diet is a 12 week online based program that was designed to be able to be done regardless of a participant’s fitness level. There are four program choices with the Fat Loss Factor Diet that include the Beginner program, the Intermediate program, Rapid Weight Loss program, and the Extreme Weight Loss Program.

The first two weeks of any of the Fat Loss Factor Diet programs consist of the participant eating only all natural and organic foods. This is supposed to be done in order to cleanse the body of impurities as well as rid the body’s dependency on unhealthy food. To boost results, participants can also do the “Master Cleanse” which involves fasting and consuming a drink made up of water, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. During this phase walking of 30 to 60 minutes each day is required.

After the initial two weeks the diet and exercise plans will depend on the program that is chosen. At the end of the 12 weeks, if your weight loss goals have not been met you are then instructed to reevaluate your progress, see what you can learn, then redo the entire program.

Do Dieters Lose Weight on the Fat Loss Factor Diet?
Within the first two weeks there should be at least some weight loss. Only eating organic foods and not much of them will make almost anyone lose weight as will fasting. However, fasting can be dangerous as can cutting out too many calories from your diet, so caution should be taken.

Is the Fat Loss Factor Diet Easy to Follow?
The Fat Loss Factor Diet is an all natural type of diet and is very specific on the kinds of foods you can have while on the diet. Many of the foods and food groups that you might love will be a thing of the past. Cravings should be expected, especially in the first two weeks so your resolve must be strong.

In addition, much of the food that is required in order to do the Fat Loss Factor Diet properly will not be readily available. Some of what you consume will only be able to be obtained by visiting a specialty store in your area which can cost you additional time and money.

The Fat Loss Factor Diet costs $39.95 plus the food you will eat, which can get expensive. However, if there is one thing that sticks out with the Fat Loss Factor Diet it is the overall attitude if your weight loss goals are not met. Basically, should you not lose the amount of weight you expected, it’s your fault and you then have to do the program over again. That doesn’t sound like the attitude of a program that has confidence in the results it can deliver.


Friday, April 25, 2014

FatlossFactor.com Review by Real Customer – Dr Charles Fatloss Factor Program Review

 Fat Loss factor

The person behind Fat loss Factor Program is Dr. Charles Livingston. He is a chiropractic physician and well-known nutritionist who finished his Doctorate of Chiropractic with honors from the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic, and is one of the few people who is Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner from the International Chiropractors Association. He helped thousands of his patients to lose weight through his methodical fat loss trainings and weight loss programs.His innovative techniques used in the fat loss program makes it unique and best.

The Fat Loss Factor Program Review at Glance

Fatloss Factor program is pretty systematic and easy to follow! FLF doesn’t involves in any type of synthetic medication or other artificial weight loss formula. The Diet manual only focuses on the detoxification and removes the toxins through urine and feces. Normally after 2 weeks, you begin a very healthy and balanced diet regime in addition to strenuous workouts. The Fat Loss Factor system comes with thorough exercise plans for 3 stages of students – rookie, more advanced, advanced, so you’ll be capable to finish the routines regardless of what your current level of fitness. At virtually any level the workouts will end up becoming an effort for you which is a really significant points as you can’t seriously expect you’ll have any kind of achievement without putting forth an actual and focused attempt.

Positive Side Of Fat Loss Factor – Pro’s

  •     It had good variety of workouts that burns your calories quickly and stimulates your metabolism, so the dieter cannot experience the food carvings and deprived from their favorite dishes. The program uses some of the equipment needed to accurately assess your progress. It allows to record your weight & cholesterol measurements before the program

  •     The Nervous system stimulating process was involved in daily routines, which will help you to increase the muscles. So that your immune system can be strengthened easily.

  •     It is available with modest price, after the purchase of the package, you will get free lifetime updates and you download all the program instantly.

  •     There is a personal email coaching and the practical steps will be provided from Dr. Michael Allen in the training period.

  •     You can get this program under low price of Try it option for just $4.97. There is also full 60 days money-back guarantee if you have not found the better or sufficient results from the program

The Negative of Fat Loss Factor – Con’s

  •     Lot’s of Commitment and dedication is needed.

  •     Cost of Foods may go overboard and also you must give the regular eating habits and lock your mouth for few months.

  •     Medically complained people may experience red skin rashes while detoxification (Minimal)


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fat Loss Factor Program Review - Is It a SCAM Don't be Scammed, Read this Fat Loss Factor Program Review Before Buying!

 Fat Loss Factor

Weight gain is currently a serious problem in the nation with numbers of children and adults who are obese on the constant rise. That is why products dedicated to weight loss are dominated Google search queries on the internet today as everyone is looking for a solution that could work wonders for them.

Losing weight and maintaining a lean and healthy body is important as it helps lengthen one's lifespan while also shields one from the social stigmas subjected to those who are overweight. Several products out there promise quick results but this overtime are eventually found to be scams designed to fleece unsuspecting clients of their hard earned money.

For one to successfully lose weight it requires commitment and discipline. So what does a good weight loss product look like? One product has been the raising eye brows everywhere is the Fat Loss Factor Program. Developed by Dr. Charles Livingstone, a nutritionist and chiropractic physician by profession, this system promises to enable users lose weight effectively following its simple step by step 12-week exercise and nutrition schedule.

The package consists of an eBook written by Dr. Charles Livingstone himself encompassing an overview of the Fat Loss Factor Program, detailing how what the product really is, what to expect from it and also how it works. This way you will be aware of the importance of each mentioned step and how it affects your body.

Also included is a video tutorial on how to perform certain aspects of the program to ensure that you are doing them the correct way for maximum results. An exercise logbook is also provided for to help you keep tabs on your routines. Plenty of other helpful guides are also provided so as to ensure that you are well on your way to living a lean and healthy life.

The beauty about this system is that it is totally risk free as it does not involve the use of chemicals or pills that could in the long run lead to serious health complications. Fat Loss Factor starts by first taking you through a 2 week body cleansing period which is normally the hardest part about the entire program. This period is meant to clear the body of all toxins and other negative chemicals that may have been present in the body due to having been adhering to a very unhealthy diet full of chemicals and other deadly additives.

Once this is successfully navigated the user now will undergo a 10 week diet consisting of items that are having very low levels of gylcernic. Also one will also be required to eat only lean protein sources of food. Strict adherence to this diet will enable the natural food to work well with in body as a constant body environment is important for consistency.

While the diet is designed to facilitate weight loss, other factors of the program such as strength training exercises, work hand in hand with the diet to better help achieve results at a much faster pace. The Fat Loss Factor Program works to combine both the physical and mental aspects of the body so as to facilitate faster results. That is why stress relief exercises have also been included in the numerous guides and support information provided.

The reason why the Fat Loss Factor program has become popular is its simplicity. After the 2 week cleansing period, following the program becomes an easy affair and one will not have to give up most of their favorite meals just to stay on course. That is because the program raises one's body metabolism so food is broken down faster than before. All that is required is focus and discipline and a thinner healthier life can be within reach in 12 weeks time.

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The Fat Loss Factor Program Review - Is Fat Loss Factor a Scam or Not?

 Fat Loss Factor

Fat Loss Factor Program – My Personal Impressions

If you feel that you are slowly turning into an obese person and have actually been seeing physical changes, it is high time that you act. There is a popular saying that health is wealth and if you are overweight, there is high likelihood that you will suffer from different kinds of diseases apart from looking unattractive. In order to get out of this situation, it may be better to opt for a diet program like the Fat Loss Factor. However, considering there are all sorts of fake weight loss programs in the marketplace, does Fat Loss Factor really deliver? The best method to find it out is by going through it yourself. In this article I will provide you with some details about this program.

The Fat Loss Factor – The Man Behind it

This program for undergoing rapid weight loss was created by Dr. Michael Allen, a licensed chiropractor, a health and wellness specialist who has many other qualifications under his belt. All his credentials are genuine and have not been merely put up to scam people. He came up with the Fat Loss Factor after carrying out an experiment on one of his favorite female patients, who eventually lost more than 90 pounds of weight in a short span of time.

What All Does Fat Loss Factor Entail?

The program runs for a period of 12 weeks, the first couple of weeks being dedicated to the process of detoxification. The process of detoxification assists the body in clearing out the toxins and pollutants from inside. This detoxification process is carried out by consumption of organic foods like vegetables and fruits. The program doesn’t endorse usage of any health supplement to carry out this detoxification process.

Furthermore, you will be required to stay away from certain things. Most of these things are saturated fats and calories rich meals. Another important thing which you must stay away from is extensive stress due to workload. When you are in stress, your body turns weaker and starts losing energy, this does not go well with the exercises which are integral part of the Fat Loss Factor program. Instead of the regular cardio sessions, the Fat Loss Factor Program features high-intensity interval training complemented with cardio workouts of wide variety. As an example, instead of spending 20 minutes on the treadmill, the program will make you spend an hour on it. However, in addition, you will also learn about the significance of having several small meals in a day, instead of consuming only 2 to 3 large meals. This is meant to enhance the metabolic functionality of the body. Dr. Allen also lays stress on the importance of drinking plenty of water, not just to avoid hunger, but also to battle craving pangs, often resulting in compromising one’s weight loss goals.

My Final Word on The Fat Loss Factor System

Having tried it personally, I can say confidently that the Fat Loss Factor program is definitely no fluke. If you follow it diligently, you are guaranteed to get good weight loss results.